Are you a federal employee with a medical problem that keeps you from performing “useful and efficient” service in your role? You may be able to get on Federal Disability Retirement.
We’ll explain the qualifications needed for federal employees to medically retire and help you understand if this is a good option for you.
To qualify for Federal Disability Retirement, you have to send an application to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) proving your inability to perform the major functions of your job because of an injury or disability.
This application is reviewed by OPM, who then issues the decision and directs the benefit to those that qualify.
You may want to think about applying for disability retirement, but only after you have given your agency complete documentation of your medical issue and after they have exhausted all practical efforts to keep you in a working capacity, through accommodation, reassignment, etc.
You should also know that FERS disability benefits usually start before your Social Security benefits claim is processed. Your Social Security payments shouldn’t be worked out until your FERS benefits have been reduced.
OPM will consider all the evidence from your agency, you, and your doctor to decide if your claim is allowable. Your claim can be allowed only if the evidence shows that you meet all of the above-mentioned guidelines.
It’s important to also keep in mind that OPM won’t pay for any medical exams or procedures needed to provide the required documentation.
The highly experienced federal employment attorneys at Melville Johnson, P.C. have been helping injured and disabled federal employees prepare the medical evidence and legal arguments necessary during the disability retirement application process with OPM for over 35 years.
We constantly see obstacles in the Federal Disability Retirement process that can be difficult to navigate without professional legal help.
However, we have the experience and track record to successfully guide you through the process.
We can also help you with a reconsideration request to OPM or even appeal a denial to the MSPB. Call us today or fill out the form below to find out how we can help you qualify for Federal Disability Retirement.